Sunday, October 9, 2011

Nesting part one

This may be a boring post to some, but I think organizing is the key to having a clear space and a clear mind. I found a really great organizational product that is sure to help those with awkward under the sink spaces. Behold:
It expands. It tiers. It has small adjustable shelves that can be used around a awkward pipes. It turns this:
Into this:
Now you are impressed. Now I have your attention. "What else can I do with awkward corner shelves Adriana?" you may ask. Do I have the answer for you! 
Lazy Susans! 
Need to reach hard to reach deep corner kitchen shelves?
Go to Bed Bath and Beyond and get these

so your corner shelf can look like this:
 AND be easily accessible. I have a clear mind now. How about you?


  1. Hmmmm.... Nesting goes hand in hand w/ pregnancy I might add. ;

  2. You peer pressure baby pusher!!! Just because you are on your third, miss show off!! hehe I told you, I'm incapable of taking care of a plant let alone a human. But we'll get there. ;)

  3. hey hey hey... Watch it there Mrs. Tait! I too am in the process of shopping for an under the counter organizer- what does that mean?!?!??!?!?

  4. What!!! You're BOTH pregnant??!! ;)

    And Auds, I can't take care of a plant or an animal, but somehow manage my kids (and husband), so I'd say that is not a valid excuse.

  5. HA! You know, strangely enough that last comment is quite comforting.

  6. Well if you saw the size of my stomach after I just came from Nonna's house for dinner... you might go.. hmmmm
    But alas we will not start rumors!
    Beth I am proud of your brood and look forward to seeing them all in less than 2 weeks. COME WITH Dri...honestly you can stowaway in my luggage!!
