Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Women who rock at Rockinghorse Cafe

 Oh Ithaca...you really are forever. Haven't seen my girl Erica in, oh at least five years and before that maybe graduation, but the best part about my girls from IC is that we just pick up where we left off. 
So, so good to finally re-unite with this gorgeous, charismatic lady. Years go by, things happen, let me tell you things happen, but after a couple of these:
Pomegranate margaritas. Uh...YUM!
chips, salsa and organic Mexican food at the Rockinghorse Cafe
..it feels just like the good old days in Ford lobby again.  Without the brown bag Subway lunches.  Not that there is anything wrong with brown bag lunches.

So thrilled to have Erica back in NYC again as many friends have come and gone. Speaking of which two friends of mine posted these statuses (statusi?) around the same time tonight. Oh New York you never cease to get under our skin:
Friend one: I don't wanna be in NYC anymore. As soon as I arrive in this city my anxiety levels go through the roof, I don't feel at ease, and I am scattered. It is definitely time for a new home!
Friend two: Well, several weeks of trains, planes, automobiles and living out of a suitcase are past. Happy to be back in the most vibrant, colorful and exciting city in the world. :) 


  1. Aw, look at these lovelies. Is Erica moving back to NYC???

  2. Mwah, mwah, mwah. And Beth, I'm there every week for half the week-the other half up in Ithaca teaching and hangin' with my little guy...

  3. Beth it's time to spend half your week here and half your week in LA so we can start being bi-postal. I mean bi-coastal.
