Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Birthday my Pretty Popsicle!

CLOC Popsicle day circa July summer 2000. We were young and innocent then. It was a time when all we wanted out of theater was to cool off in between a matinee and a night show with a flavored popsicle. Ah the simple life. Fast forward eleven years and you can see how this girl has become quite the star in the opera world. So proud of her always and proud to call her one of my dearest friends. 
Happy Birthday Mo! I love you!


  1. Seriously such a cute photo! Love you Mo!!

  2. What an awesome surprise! I am sitting here all sick on the sofa catching up on my reading...dying to know if Beth had her baby. Thank you for the special birthday message, Dri! I am so honored! This photo is classic. Love, love, love...

  3. Awww I didn't realize you didn't see it, I can't believe I didn't post it to your wall! Wow I am a friends slacker right now with you my Momo...I will make it up to you I promise ;)
