Friday, September 30, 2011

MORE Sports!

What what whaaaat you say? There is more??? By this point you must be completely blown away by my secret athletic side. After reading my sports blog Mumsy Lomysh reminded me that there was more to it and sent proof. She says she remembers the excuse of me not wanting to play anymore was because I didn't want to break a nail. Typical.
Here is a picture with my maid of honor from my first, and only semester playing volleyball. I was truly beyond terrible at it. Those knee pads were worthless as I don't think I would make that much effort to really "go for" the ball. Oh and in case you were wondering, that is a massive maroon scrunchie on the back of my head that I think was there more as a fashion statement than it's practical use of pulling my hair back to see whatever the heck we were supposed to be doing on the court.
I also wanted to post this because Jaimee is wishing us all a happy fall with the pumpkin she's holding.


  1. oh my gosh. i love this photo too! you need to do a regular "blast from the past" post w/ old photos. once a week. M-kay?

  2. I you SEE the size of that scrunchie???

  3. ha ha...why the little pumpkin??? I loved volleyball!!

  4. last comment was from me,,Jaim, no idea how to post my name,,, I know,,, pathetic!
