Monday, September 26, 2011

Sports. No really. Sports!!!

No really, I enjoy many many things outside of doing musical theater, traveling (to see my friends do musical theater) and going out (with people who do musical theater).

The time has come to prove that I am interested in sports. No really! I don't have much proof of this as I cannot catch or throw a ball, pass a ball, hit a ball with a stick, or stick my fingers in a ball and roll it down a lane to hit 10 pins. I actually had a nervous breakdown bowling once and makes me really appreciate those new bowling alleys in New York that make you feel more like you're clubbing.  Lately I have been trying some waspy sports like golf, tennis, yoga and walking briskly and enjoying them tremendously.
But the position I like to play the most in any sport is that of a the enthusiastic spectator.

Superbowl XXV-January 27, 1991. A twelve year old me clings to the last ounce of hope she has watches Scott Norwood kick a wide right field goal to lose to the New York Giants. There is a Wikipedia page dedicated to this moment. No really.
After the game I got an acute sinus infection for two weeks and was bed ridden. No really.

Next year rolled around and of course we had high hopes, again. This time I thought, "If I wear my sweatshirt from last year along with Bills bobble earrings, paint Go Bills!! on my nails, hold my AFC Championship pennant in my hand the whole game, sit in my Bills bean bag chair and wear appropriate stage make up we will win!!!"
My chickenfinger was even in the shape of a Buffalo. It was a sign.
 But we lost again. And again. And again.
Check out the rolled suspender jeans and scrunchie socks. Maybe that's why we lost.
Fall 1992. I auditioned for and made the JV basketball cheerleader squad. I'm an athlete! No really! It was the only thing I could get cast in, I mean, wait I don't even know the word for getting the part on a sports team. Let me ask my husband.
He says drafted. Like in the army? Ok I was drafted onto the JV basketball cheering team, yet again a "spectator sport." The only thing I got a letter in was a sport where I got to wear a super cute costume and execute choreographed dances in perfect unison.

Next season I was told by my voice teacher that if I didn't quit immediately I would never be able to hit a high C. I immediately quit.

The reason I bring all of this up is the Buffalo Bills are currently the only NFL team undefeated in the AFC for the first time since before the internet was invented so it inspired me to blog about it. No really! I did not have the game on my TV because I now live in Giants land (BOOOO) and had to watch the score change on my laptop with my heart racing. It reminded me of when I had to listen on my radio to the high drama biggest comeback performance starring Frank Reich, Bruce Smith and Andre Reed and directed by Marv Levy. Yet again, we are legends on Wiki.

People may say I'm a fair weather fan, but to that I say, I am a multi level actress devoted to any and all projects I take on and the emotional strain (and infections) that come post loss are just too much for me to bear!!!!!!!
But I still hope that this year or ANY year they do a Susan Lucci and finally win their Emmy.
I mean Superbowl trophy. 


  1. WHAT!!!! Seriously that first picture is amazing.

  2. Okay yes yes yes to all of those pictures... AMAZING. I love watching football, but have never been to a live game... maybe we can go? And maybe you can wear that cheerleading outfit too? : )

  3. Jen-I immediately looked into Giants or Jets/Bills ticks and they are super duper uber expensive. Would rather spend the money on a show. Of course. So I say you come over on a Sunday and we'll tailgate in front of my flat screen in the warmth without cursing New York fans. Sound good? :)
