Wednesday, February 6, 2013


That sounds like a strange word but it has a ring to it. Har har! Get it? Has a ring to it? Groan. 
Four years ago Jason and I went to the infamous, yet now sadly gone from the New York City tapestry,
Where we had a uncomfortable dinner not just because we were shoved under a pillar and had pretty terrible service (hmmm...maybe why business went bad? hmm...) but also because Jason was acting really nervous and jittery. When dinner was over he ran outside and hailed a carriage (the natural thing to do in February) in which we rode to the through the park under a blanket. Something was up and I was starting to get excited. That's what she...ok moving on with the story.
We got to the Bethesda fountain where most of the time it looks like this:
 Quite busy and typically full of people, street acts, and tourists.
But that night it was deserted and looked more like this:
Amazing. So peaceful and serene. All of a sudden our driver said "I need to stop here my horse is tired" or something like that. Since it had only been like a five minute drive, he might have well said he was out of gas so at this point my suspicious feelings were even more founded. ;) We walked all the way down to the fountain in the glittering snow and before you know it I looked down and there was something else glittering in the darkness! A beautiful ring that represents my beautiful Jason.

I love you Mr. Campbell!
Mrs. Campbell

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