Monday, November 12, 2012

My Baba's Pyrohy!

This one is a little gem.  I happen to consider it to be one of the the greatest recipes on the planet but I might be slightly biased.  It makes my mouth water just thinking about it, so without further ado, here is Baba's secret recipe for perogies otherwise known as...pyrohy.

This is somewhat a toughie, so if you are new to cooking, I would start with the most important ingredient. Patience. You must also immediately lose your fear of making dough. If you are a seasoned chef you will find this pretty simple, and as long as you have some time to commit to refining your "pinching" skills.  You will love the result.
With a food processor such as this one, 

the entire experience is shortened and much less grueling. Because making dumplings is a long process I like to split the task into two days. It's convenient to make the filling one day while cooking a whole other meal, and then the next day you put the dumplings together, serve, and save. Depending how big you make them, this recipe should make approximately 50-60 pyrohy. It makes about six solid meals for the cost of...oh... $10.

Day One. 
Making the filling.

Ingredients for the filling:
 4 Large Potoatoes
1 Large Onion
1 package of farmer's cheese

Peel and boil the potatoes, (15-20min-check softness with a fork) and mash. Saute one large onion and add to potatoes. Pepper to taste. Let potatos cool. Add the farmers cheese when cool and mash up everything very well. I have tried using a food processor here and I wouldn't not recommend it. The consistency needs not me tougher so this part takes a bit of elbow grease to make sure everything is nicely mixed with few lumps.

Day Two. 
Making the Dough and Assembling. Oh yeah and eating.

Ingredients for Dough:
3 Cups Flour
1 Egg
2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
3/4 cup COLD water

 Put a large pot of water on the stove to boil. That was easy right? Ok now the complicated part...
Add all the ingredients into the food processor but the water. Make sure you are using the dough blade and dough setting. Add water slowly through the feeder until you have a beautiful ball of dough! Have plenty of flour spread out on a baking mat and on your hands because the dough will be sticky. Reach in and split the dough in two. Make sure you cover the processor with a wet cloth to keep the other half moist.  Roll the working dough out in one long dough "snake" and then cut the "snake" into 2inch pieces. Roll out each individual piece so you have little flat, round circles of dough. Take a melon baller and scoop individual balls of filling into each circle of dough. Fold the dough over and pinch in a half circle. Set aside and do it again to the next and the next and the next. When you have assembled about 10-15 of them, gently put them in the pot of water that should be at this point at a rolling boil for about 5 min. Remove, cool in a colander, add butter and repeat.
Repeat the entire assembling process with the second half of the dough and filling!

This video kills me. I love the Babas in this clip, and they are not messing around in a factory like setting. The main difference from my instructions and the video is that they roll out all the dough first and then cut circles with a cookie cutter. This is definitely another option, I have just felt like unless you work really quickly the dough dries more this way. They work quickly. ;)
My favorite part of this is when she says "No blowin your nose and then pinchin. We don't like that."

Now I just need to go find myself a "perogie-making" bonnet.
Please write to me with any questions you may have. Good luck and enjoy!!


  1. Aw man you just made my mouth water. Can you send these to the west coast pleeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Baba actually used to send them in the winter because it was so cold in upstate NY that they would stay frozen. I think we will have to send our LA girl to the pyrohy. :)

  3. The secret is out! Thank you for sharing! Can we try to make gluten free ones someday?
