Friday, April 22, 2011

Where my baby was a baby-Oak Bay, Victoria

Well maybe not a baby baby because he was a baby baby in England... But... I did get the chance to explore Jason's neighborhood where he spent the majority of his childhood. Victoria is similar to  beautiful towns I've visited in the world, where at the end of your vacation you think, people actually LIVE here? It's not built just for vacations? It's too perfect! Well the exact neighborhood he grew up in, Oak Bay is exactly this type of "quaint" and feels like a mini-city in a city. Very much like a small British town, and just steps away from the water.
Houses that look like English cottages. Everyone seems to take a great deal of pride in their homes here.
These two made me think of what Jason and I might look like one day. :)
I hope they didn't think I was paparazzi.
Even the weeds are pretty. Yes, these are the weeds.
More weeds that could belong in botanical gardens.
What time is it? Time to drink coffee!!!
 And as always, had a wonderful day with the Campbells. What a treat to have them on board and have them in Victoria to host and be hosted by!


  1. Lets all move there together!! What a gorgeous place!!

    Ps you need to get a job on that show Globe Trekker except a little more on the upscale side : )

    You are great at narrating your travel adventures!

  2. Yes, yes! I will move there with you.

  3. Let's go girls!!! Even though I am in Santa Barbara today and now want to move here. I LOVE the west coast!!
