Tuesday, April 12, 2011


With Baba's passing I felt like one era ended and a new era began. In order to welcome any new era  I sadly must say goodbye to huge pieces of the old. Hope this post isn't too sad, it's not meant to be, I just wanted to do one more post to close the chapter. A book I can always open and read again, but needs to go on the shelf under history. I am actually having the most fabulous of days in San Fransisco, and the past couple of days, years, and especially couple of weeks have made me realize even more that life is truly beautiful.

Goodbye little kitchen where Baba made thousands of meals but mainly thousands of pyrohy.
Goodbye dining room where she served those meals and where I vividly remember her letting me win countless boardgame nights as a child.
Goodbye living room where our Christmas tree stood every year, were I practiced endless hours of piano, voice, and flute, took prom pictures, and had countless family memories.
Goodbye little green house I grew up in.
This last picture is not meant to be morbid. It is actually quite beautiful to me because a cloud fell around us as we went to the cemetery on our way back to New York City to say one last goodbye. The dense fog that enveloped us quite literally made me feel like she was all around. 
Goodbye Baba. I feel you around me always.

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