Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mama's and Malaga

Here’s to all the beautiful mothers in my life, Linda, Beth, Jaimee, Natasha, Kristy, April, Martha, Aimee, many...but I have to say I MAY have a favorite. Hmmm yeah I definitely’s this lovely lady!
I am so glad I had the opportunity to have time with her in NYC before I left. My favorite qualities about her are her humor, creativity and mostly her open generous heart. I wish her the very best, especially this week as she goes in for cataract surgery on Wednesday. I love you my Mama!

I am quickly writing all of this from Malaga, Spain. This week had a rough start with major jet lag insomnia, but I think I am well adjusted now with a couple of 8-9hr nights. That insomnia was cuhrazy, wow, very mentally straining. But on the flip side of wow, I got a chance to explore my first European port of Valencia, Spain. We went to the City of Arts and Sciences, which is a complex that includes an Opera House, music school, dozens of restaurants and the biggest aquarium in Europe. It sounds like a crazy combination, but I tell you this enormous complex is one of the most architecturally stunning places I have ever seen! WOW! Read more about it here.

Bottle brush flowers! Can you see why?
This dolphin show was cool-the divers mimicked the dolphins and vice versa
This was the weirdest fish I have ever seen. It was like a turtle on it's side. Any idea what the heck it is???
The concrete surface was covered in water...the reflections were stunning
I loved the portrait...perfect for Mother's Day me thinks!


  1. OMG girl! These pics are amazing!! Miss you already and keep em coming!!

  2. What an amazing voyage! And it has only just begun...BTW Jesse is in Italy June 13-20...Is that when you guys are there? Email me...! Sending you lots of love!

  3. Ah.... Spain is my dream! Send me a post card. !!!!

    Also - I agree. Your mom has the most generous loving spirit. She's AMAZING. I love her!

    Miss you Auds... so excited for your adventures. Living vicariously thru you!
