Thursday, February 17, 2011

I heart Astoria, and my Jenny from the (Astoria) block

Last night I went back to the old hood for the first time since moving to Jersey.  Jason moved us while I was in rehearsals (something I will have to accept Jason reminding me every time we climb the stairs ;)) so I never got a chance to say good bye to the place where I spent a huge part of my life.  I was ready for it to be a nostalgic experience and bring out my deep rooted Astoria love. I was going back to my old apartment where my friend Carolann now lives with her husband and little son. I was SO happy to give the apartment to a friend because I have amazing memories there and lets face it, I wanted the opportunity to go back if I wanted to visit. I basically spent the entirety of my 20's there, got married and lived there with my gay husband Jim, my wife Beth, and my real husband Jason. I didn't really marry all of them, it just felt that way. :)

When I stepped off the train at Queens Plaza, a station where I spent many many minutes, hours, even days waiting for a train to never come, I felt these emotions start to well up as I stepped on a used paper cup and took a whiff of that very special Queens Plaza smell. I would try to describe it but I wouldn't want to disrespect anyone who might be reading this.  Let's just say it put the A$& in Astoria. Anyways, I seriously did get a little sad until a man who was unzipping his fly got WAY to close to me and told me I had the best hair he'd ever seen and that I was totally "workin it". As much as I appreciate any compliment to my hair, I immediately had a flash back to when Beth and I were 22year old girls walking down the street in Astoria and we got surrounded by crazies such as this and I started yelling at all of them to keep their junk in their pants. I think I may have used more "Queens" language at the time.
Anyways, point being I realized that yes, I will ALWAYS heart Astoria, and Ithaca, and Dunkirk, but I am really happy to live in my new wonderful neighborhood too! I have realized that every phase, move, and change in my life has been met with a lovely sense of forward movement to a new place physically but also a new place in life. I absolutely love where I live now, but in the meantime here are pictures to prove we had a great run at 31-59 41st Street, Astoria.
One of our first of many gatherings. Pre Jim DiMarino fancy paint job. But you can see the fancy Jim DiMarino Xmas decor!
Or first Oscars party. Notice the red carpet and "old school" TV. Hey we were happy we graduated from the 13inch TV/VCR combo at the time. Yes I said VCR.
 I was also VERY excited to have upgraded from my twin bed so I stuffed all the castlemates into my new queen size bed to prove its magnificence.
Chillin on one of our many futons. We look stupid young in this pic and it scares me a little.
Jim always in the kitchen cooking up something divine!

 "Friends." I want to be Rachel.

Now who could forget the cherry blossom TREES that adorned the apartment one spring.
Yes, I said,

Don't know if we will be able to have the ginormous trees in our new place now.... But I will always have this reindeer so I'm set.:)
There was always a photoshoot to be had

Another Oscars party...we upgraded and got a sign
I would get jealous that I had to share my husband with his husband...
Until I had one of my own!!! (Notice the struggle getting him to look at the camera when he is glued to the game?)
Wedding planning... aka bridesmaids confused by the bow bouquet and Miles takes charge

Our old table I had forever that I bought at a yard sale for $25 dollars. Many a dinner and conversation was held here. I sold it when we bought our new set before the wedding for $50. I think they thought they got a deal, but meanwhile I laughed all the way to the bank.

I also had a lovely evening chatting with my bestest of girls Jenny C and we always have such a great time talking our faces off. We ate at Sweet Afton and ended up at good ol Dunkin Donuts with the Queens crazies. They all kept their privates to themselves and sipped their lattes like gentlemen so that was a plus! It was great to see her so happy and share stories with her.She is one of my oldest and dearest friends.


  1. Aw, Queens. It will always have a special place in my heart, too. I love it there. Every once in a while I get a very strong sense memory about Queens and NYC and want to go back SOOOO BAD. It just happened last night while I was cleaning dishes. But (dare I say) I have, too, moved on and the last time I came home to LA after Xmas vacation I felt like "this really is my home". I think it's b/c it's my kids home and it's all they know. They love it. And then I love it. NJ will be your fresh start with Jason. Your married home. I miss you and Jen. Love that last pic. Love my girls.

  2. I love your blog honey...I totally understand your feelings and it is really hard to adjust and move on but you will..I am still not adjusted to here and it has been 2 years. The thing I find so funny is that your apartment I felt was all of ours..It was definitely where we all hung out and Jim did really decorate that place like nothing I have ever seen..He made me love christmas decorations! By the way what the hell was I wearing in that picture up top? ha ha bright pink...that will never happen again.. I;m glad you are starting to feel some closure.. It takes time honey don't rush it..Hope I get to see you next week I miss all of you.. Aly

  3. Growin' up's hard...that made me a little sad, but also exuberant for how far we've all come and how beautifully you are maturing (I mean that in the most respectful way) in every way. Love your you. Xo

  4. I just teared up a bit! It's amazing how many memories we created! Love you!!!

  5. Love this!!!! OMG and memories of waking up some mornings in the apartment downstairs and opening my fridge only to find that Jim had loaded it up with food he cooked because your fridge was full already! Gotta love it!

  6. wait... aly's not wearing bright pink anymore??? whaaaaat?

  7. Oh, goodbye, old apartment. I have so many wonderful memories about your Astoria apartment. But the new place is your new chapter. Can't wait to see where life takes you in your new digs.
