Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I think I might cry!

So I could have met these two tomorrow:
YEAH. And instead I am working on Blue Bloods  (Tom Selleck stars)...look, I am happy to be working, but I am devastated that I am missing the SAG screening of "The Kings Speech" followed by a talk back with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. I think I might cry. Ok, Jason just read this over my shoulder and said "might cry? you already cried".  My heart is broken!


  1. I am shedding silent tears for you my dear.... That really really sucks!
    Love you

  2. OH MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    First off --- Blue Bloods?! Sadly we watch this show even though it's a little bit bad. But if you see Donnie Wahlberg, gawk over him like a 14 year old tween for for me. Ah, the old days...

    Second --- I don't know, I mean, how much are you making tomorrrow??? Is it seriously worth it? Seriously? Aren't you still getting paid from the ship. Man, decisions, decisions.

    We hope to see King's Speech next week.
