I am thankful today and every day for so many things. In no particular order, here goes a quick list:
- My supportive, loving, dashing, angel of a man who is my husband
- my amazing Mama and my family who also support me and my crazy life that takes me away from them
- my spectacular Baba who is about to celebrate a century on planet earth
- my friends who as an only child I consider my brothers and sisters
- my job that allows me to do what I love, and grow as a performer during a time when jobs are hard to find and keep. It also allows me to eat caviar for free. Yes, I am thankful for my job.
- coffee and Earl Grey tea-nothing can get me down after a cup of one of these
- music
- love
- beauty in almost everything I see
- positivity
- perspective
I could go on and on, but I wanted to write about perspective. I am in Mexico today and I saw a mother teaching her three year daughter to barter their goods to the cruise ship passengers flooding the port. They weren't allowed past the chain link fence so they were using a whistle to get our attention though the gate. Instant perspective. In America most parents are teaching their three year old children to share and getting them ready for pre-school. We are very lucky in our country to have the riches and comforts we do.
Give thanks! Be blessed, peaceful and happy on this Thanksgiving and always!!!
You were such an angelic little babushka! xoxo Thankful for you.