Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tallin Estonia

No internet. I mean, none. That is the down side of ship life for sure, not being to email, call or BLOG for that matter! But here's the reason. We basically sailed to the North Pole. No Santa, no reindeer (if children are reading this, Santa was on a cruise in the Bahamas), and NO nighttime!!!! What the?? It was just unnatural. Watching a sunset that never sets makes you feel like you are on Mars.
Anyways, I'll be back with more on that, but here is my short and sweet little blog about a short and sweet stay in little Tallinn, Estonia.

 Tallinn is an adorable Baltic town that is beautifully preserved. More cobblestone streets, shops, taverns and pubs, but it truly has a medieval feel to it. You know those Renaissance fairs they have in the states? It's like that, but for real. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sights and is the oldest capital city in Northern Europe. 

Yes, they wrecked the entrance to the town with a McDonalds. Or did they?? I love my cheeseburgers.


  1. Um! wow! How did I miss this post. You can almost feel the history jumping out at you from the photos you posted.
    I love that we get to share in this journey with you!!
