Sunday, September 23, 2012

Italian cuisine-Eataly-Verdure-Manzo...and a touch of Sienna

I have come upon the bestest latest greatest market in NYC. 

Recommended by my Mama MoLo, and sampled by myself and some fine ladies who lunch where we dined at

and taken to an even finer extreme by another lovely friend to

Made me have flashbacks to my wonderful times in Italy. I didn't have much time to post pics then so I went through my pictures from Sienna and they were so beautiful they brought tears to my eyes. There are some places on this earth that I can't believe are real. I mean people live here. All the time. Ahhh...someday I will return I will...
The appetizer on the right is raw Italian mushrooms, with arugula, basil, lemon, freshly sliced Parmesan and truffle oil.
Note the size of the prosciutto on this pizza. The Italians do not hold back.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Nesting part...?

So this week was all about catching up with friends and finally truly nesting. Like, two coats of paint nesting. Like, spending that Groupon to get that canvas picture print nesting. Like taking out the picture frames STILL in that box and putting them out nesting. You now what I am talking about and don't tell me that doesn't sound like it's a good time. ;)

New things I love:
My Starbucks rewards points card. free drinks, free syrup, free refills oh my!! Check it out.

Newsroom. Best new show by Aaron Sorkin on HBO. It makes me feel the way I did when I would watch TV growing up and things were intelligent and well thought out. What a concept! When there was a script (go figure) and editors (huh?) and ACTORS (no honey boo boo's) would rehearse SCENES (what are they?) before the actually went to cut print broadcast.
Anyways, please check this show out-it's one of the best things I've seen on TV...ever.

My new headboard

 and new jewelry box. 

oh no, actually it's not a box it's a case. Maybe not even a case it's more like a...wall unit. Ok I might be a jewelry hoarder. But isn't it SO pretty?
(forgive the webcam pics. trust me. it's pretty.)